Proverbe englezesti
* Un mar pe zi tine doctorul departe. ( An apple a day keeps the doctor away. )
* Un mestesugar prost da vina pe unelte. ( A bad workman always blames his tools. )
* Nu tot ce straluceste este aur. ( All that glitters is not gold. )
* Aparentele pot insela. ( Appearances can be deceiving.)
* Mai bine mai tarziu decat niciodata. ( Better late than never. )
* Mai bine sa pierzi o sa, decat calul de sub ea. ( Better lose the saddle than the horse. )
* O imagine valoreaza cat o mie de cuvinte. ( One picture is worth a thousand words. )
* Curatenia e mama sanatatii. ( Cleanliness is next to godliness. )
* Mai bine sa ai si sa nu-ti trebuiasca decat sa iti trebuiasca si sa nu ai. ( Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. )
* Mai bine un drac stiut, decat unul nevazut. ( Better the devil you know than the devil that you don’t know. )
* Dragostea e oarba. ( Love is blind.)
* Vorba e de argint, iar tacerea e de aur. ( Speech is silver(n), silence is gold(en).)
* Apele linistite sunt adanci ( Still waters are deep. )
* Prietenul la nevoie se cunoaste ( A friend in need is a friend indeed. )
* Cunostinta este putere ( Knowledge is power )
* Totul are un sfarsit ( Everything has an end. )
* Fiecare tara are obiceiurile ei ( Every country has its customs )
* Nu pot fi prietenul tau si in acelasi timp cel care te flateaza ( I cannot be your friend and your flatterer too. )
* Totul este bun la vremea lui ( Everything is good in its season. )
* Daca te afli la Roma, fa ce fac romanii ( When you are at Rome, do as Rome does/as the Romans do.)
* O pasare in mana face mai mult decat doua pasari din tufis. ( A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. )
* Pofta vine mancand. ( Appetite comes with eating )
* Asa cum iti faci patul, trebuie sa dormi in el. ( As you make your bed, so you must lie upon it. )
* Frumusetea-i trecatoare, prostia nu. ( Beauty passes away, stupidity doesn’t. )
* Cine se aseamana, se aduna. ( Birds of a feather flock together. )
* Nu vinde castraveti gradinarului. ( Don’t carry coal to Newcastle. )
* Nu-ti pune toate ouale intr-un singur cos. ( Don’t put all your eggs in one basket. )
* Nu-ti spala rufele murdare in public. ( Don’t wash your dirty linen in public. )
* Nu judeca o carte dupa coperta ( Don’t judge a book by it’s cover )
* La Est sau la Vest, cel mai bine este acasa ( East or west, home is best. )
Culegere de Lori Balogh